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Degustation night at the fusion restaurant Split

20 жовтня у ф’южн-ресторані Split відбудеться дегустаційний вечір вин Тоскани.

On October 20, a degustation of Tuscan wines will take place at the fusion restaurant Split. Guests will be offered 5 types of wine manufactured by famous Italian Melini Winery. The degustation will be conducted by Peter Dorny – a brand-ambassador of the Melini Winery. Wine serving with the dishes by the chef of the restaurant Roman Shchurko will create a real taste explosion!

Offered wines from the Melini Winery are the gold standard of high quality. And it is not surprising, because the manufacturer takes care of its reputation for more than 300 years! The Melini Winery was established in 1705 on the outskirts of Florence. Wines of this brand became popular among the locals right then and there. In the end of the 19th century, wine was started to be transported abroad. For this the Melini Winery was awarded with a diploma and gold medal by the Chamber of Commerce of Florence.

If you want to visit the degustation and to have a sense of sunny and bloomy Italy, as well as to taste popular Italian wines, don't delay, since seats are limited.

Cost of participation in the degustation – UAH 550.

Start at 6:00 pm.

You may make the payment to a manager of the fusion restaurant Split every day from 6:00 pm to 6:00 am.

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